
Looking to Place a Wholesale Order?

At Mighty Food Farm we work with a number of local businesses. We have items available bulk for your kitchens and "retail-ready" bagged vegetables for your grocery store and deli. We pride ourselves on superior quality, excellent customer service, and consistency in procedures. We can accommodate and meet your needs! 

If you are interested in placing a wholesale order with us

Please email Lisa at farmers@mightyfoodfarm.com.

She will provide you with our wholesale list, pricing and availability sheet, and get you signed up for the weekly wholesale email. Lisa sends out the wholesale emails on Thursday evenings with the available produce for the week. You simply email her back with your order! Wednesdays we deliver to Williamstown, MA; Bennington, VT; Manchester, VT; Dorset, VT;  and the surrounding area. Place order by 5 pm Saturdays.

Who We Work With