CSA share ordering information & more
This page is a "self help" for CSA Members.
Email Lisa for more help! farmers@mightyfoodfarm.com
The following questions are answered:
Click Here to Access Farmigo, and place you CSA share order!
Either go to our website or enter into your web browser https://csa.farmigo.com/mightyfoodfarm/login
Type in your email and password. (If you forgot your password, simply hit "forgot password" to reset it.) be sure to use the correct email address you use for Farmigo.
Click the Contact Info tab in order to update and confirm your contact details.
Check out the summary box in order confirm the details of your subscription with us.
To access account information on your desktop: On the right side of your screen, you will see your name, or it will say Log-in if you have not logged in yet, click the arrow to drop down the menu for “my account.”
When you first log in, please be sure to review your information under your account to make sure your pick up and contact information is correct.
To access account information on your mobile device: On the left side of your screen, in the “three bar” drop-down menu, you can select “my account,” or it will prompt you to log-in if you have not yet logged in.
Changing contact information: Log into your account. Go to the contact tab. Here you can update your address, email, phone number, or name. Click SAVE, once changes are successfully made.
Changing your Password: Log into your account. Go to the contact tab. Go to “Password” and select “Change.” Choose a new password and click SAVE.
Click on the link in the CSA Newsletter, which will take you to the CSA store. Fill your cart. If you go over you allotted share amounts you will be charged $5.00 for each additional item.
Hit Submit once you have placed your order.
You cannot order your CSA share passed the order deadline for your pick up day. A Farmer's curated veggie box will be created for you if you missed the deadline for placing your order.
Friday and Saturday CSA shares for on-farm pick-up need to be placed between Monday 3 am and Wednesday by 6 pm.
Sunday, Dorset CSA shares for Sunday pick up, need to be placed by between Monday 3 am and Thursday by 6 pm.
Tuesday, Connors Moving CSA shares for the Connors Moving and Storage pick up need to be placed by between Wednesday 3 am and Friday by 6 pm.
Your cart will be initially empty when you go in. Your item amounts for your CSA share size will be automatically set.
If you do not select items for your share by the designated time you will be given a “default box” filled with a selection of vegetables we have chosen.
If you do not pick up your CSA share, it will be donated to the food pantry, and these items cannot be made up.
No problem! But you need to schedule it before the deadline for ordering your CSA share for that week.
Already have your vacation planned? You can easily go into your account and schedule the vacation in advance.
Missed CSA vegetable items from a vacation, need to be made up in completion at one time; i.e. cannot spread items across weeks. You will be prompted to schedule your “make-up” week when you schedule your vacation.
NOTE: there is no limit on the number of vacations you can schedule.
Go to my account
Click on the "Delivery hold" tab
Select dates that you will be away
You will then be prompted to schedule a make-up date
No fret! You will need to change your pickup date before the store deadline of your original pick up and before you place your CSA share order. For example, if you are originally signed up for a Friday pick up and want to change to Monday, you need to change your pick up prior to the Friday deadline (Wednesday 6 pm).
Passed the deadline? We can help! In this event, please email us at farmers@mightyfoodfarm.com instructing us what day you would like your pick up day to be changed to and we can go through the backend of the system and manually to your day.
Log into your account through Farmigo
Under "my account" go to the first tab "overview"
On the right-hand corner, you will see a "summary" box (see photo below)
Go down to the second green bar to "pickup site change"
Select if you would like this change to be for "next delivery" or "permanent"
Note, if you would like to change your day to a different pick-up location, you need to change the location first to see the pick-up options for that location.
It will then prompt you to select a new day based on the available pickups.
Select the pick-up day you would like and hit SAVE.
Your date has now been changed and you will have received an email confirming this.
Please send us an email at farmers@mightyfoodfarm.com for questions not answered above.
Or, you can login to you account and find your balance.
You can log into your account to make a payment with a credit card or PayPal & check your balance.